Faux Photos - Rockstar

There's a rockstar in the room
Singing thru the cigarettes, poetry and blues
Well the cigarette's for show, the poetry you know
And the blues?
Well i guess that's why they tell you
Not to hold your breath for too long

It's the rock part that makes them stay put
It's the star that makes them far away
They are heavy and they're light
Glowing there all night on the ground
They burn a hole in your chest
When you lay down to rest too close

Underunderunderneath a voice & pick
I will be warm: my words make sparks
Am i overoveroveroverover it
I am a rock, i've never even moved

Well i am your rock star any time you want
No cover charge, i can't do both
At least i charge more often
Than i cover up, most of the time
I'm in a forest of illusion
That my words slash & burn all up

We're all rockstars we tear it all up
We rock the mic on mtv
And the only way we know
That the other one exists is through this
We're playing live at the forum
But the forum's been dead for years